How to Ride a Horse

Riding a horse is a good sport, but the main thing here is, it's just not enough to sit on the horse; there are some important things which should be…

How to Vaccinate a Horse

Horses are vaccinated against a variety of diseases, including tetanus, equine influenza and rabies, depending on the country where you reside. Tetanus is usually fatal and is caused by bacteria…

How to Groom Your Horse

In the wild, horses will naturally groom each other using their front teeth to scratch out any loose hairs along the body and to stimulate the skin underneath. As in…

How to Handle Your Horse

Safety is the first and most important consideration when handling your horse-safety for yourself, your horse and anyone around you. Horses are much stronger than humans and boundaries need to…

How to Gallop a Horse

The gallop is an exhilarating feeling but should not be attempted until you have sufficient experience, skill and confidence. It is worth checking whether your horse can gallop, as not…

How to Feed Your Horse

The rule "feed little and often" should always be applied to horses. They are designed to be trickle feeders, with small stomachs in relation to body size and need to…