Most cat owners will assume that their cat knows how to chase and catch mice, attributing this behaviour to a cat's natural instincts. However, a few cats can actually show…
Toys and a scratching post should be introduced early on, as the kitten, growing in confidence and security, will start to look for items to play with, and will want…
Familiarize the cat with the "safe" areas in your own home. You may make use of crate training whilst the cat is young. This is usually in order that they…
A litter tray and litter are two of the most important components of your cat's life and are essential items if you want your cat to be house-trained. Even if…
Contrary to popular belief, some cats do have a fascination and even an affinity for water, whether it drips out of a tap or sits reflecting sunlight in the washing-up…
Many people think it is impossible to train a cat to perform tricks, but when you think about it, large cats have been trained to perform tricks in circuses for…
In most cases, cat training is of direct benefit to the cat, helping him to adapt to different circumstances and situations. Before attempting any training session, make sure your cat…
You cannot put two cats, who have never seen each other before, into the same room and expect them to strike up an instant friendship. However, there are some measures…
This particular trick does not rely on the behaviours that have been taught in the previous sequence of tricks. We are training the cat in a new foundation behaviour that…
Fortunately, cats do not need frequent bathing, although longhaired cats need more attention, particularly if you plan to show your cat. There is no doubt that adequate preparation beforehand can…
This is where the fun begins! In fact the training required for showing is all part of a socialisation process which all cats would benefit from - and they certainly…
Moving house is traumatic enough for the human occupants, so imagine what it is like for your cat, who is a territorial animal by nature, for an easier moving process…
A weekly dental inspection and care can be followed by the inspection of your cat's ears. Generally speaking, a healthy cat does not mind his owner holding the ear pinna…
A kitten's milk teeth start to appear at approximately 2-4 weeks of age and will number twenty-six. These will be replaced by thirty adult teeth well before the cat is…
Cats that have the run of the outdoors find that nature has provided a wide range of scratching materials. However, many cats are kept indoors and need to be trained…