"Has anyone seen a frog jumping or swimming? If you have, that's what the breaststroke looks like." I have often heard that the breaststroke is so easy, so graceful, so…
Arm Movements Standing out of the water, have the children put both of their arms out straight in front of them and push them down to the legs. They should…
This is one fault that everybody has in the early learning stages. The child rolls his head and looks back at his breathing arm but, instead of keeping his chin…
Until somebody has mastered the breathing technique, it's definitely easier to swim along just holding on to your breath and not letting it out. The trouble is that sooner or…
When doing freestyle you turn your head to the side out of the water to breathe. Breathing correctly is a major element in swimming successfully. Later in life many people…
Have the children hold on to the edge of the pool, then ask them to try to do a new kind of kicking—dolphin kicking. Keeping the knees lightly together, the…
Getting dressed in the morning is a skill that virtually every child masters. Before your child learns how to put clothes on, she'll learn how to take them off. It's…
Bullying is one of the worst forms of antisocial behavior because it involves exploiting someone else's personal weakness by frightening that person into acquiescence. Every child fears a bully. Some…
Personal hygiene is important for everyone. Encourage your child to take an interest in his level of cleanliness from an early age. You can let them read the Kids Hygiene…
Many children with ADHD have persistent problems with planning, organization and time management, irrespective of whether they are on medication or not. Problems with prioritizing, making decisions, thinking ahead and…
What is the one skill that will be useful—even necessary—to your child all of his or her life? Not the ability to throw a touchdown pass. Not the ability to…
Provide your child with basic self-defense skills. This is important not only for maintaining your child's self-confidence and self-esteem, but also for insuring your child's life. In our society today,…
A big part of your child's sense of self-confidence comes from the ability to know what to do in emergency situations, when solving problems, and when trying to get things…
Every child at some point will face another child, a sibling perhaps, or even an adult, who will say, "Go away. I don't want to play with you. I don't…
Give your child the opportunity to give. The child with self-esteem gives voluntarily. Encouraging your child to be generous even when it isn't his or her idea helps build self-esteem.…
Help your child at an early age to start and build a savings account. Give your child an opportunity to earn money and add to the account on a regular…
Children who are forced to take responsibility for their own actions know, "Mom and Dad consider me capable of acting on my own, and they count me as a valuable…