Using the heels of the hands in massage therapy is a way of increasing pressure over large or tight areas of muscle. Instead of using the fingers, the wrists are tilted back and pressure is applied with the heels of the hands, enabling you to use more of your body weight. The heels can enhance squeezing movements or be used for extra pressure on a specific area, for example the buttocks. The use of the heels allows for deeper penetration, particularly if the stroke is moving over the muscles.
On the limbs, the strokes are always applied as you move toward the center of the body and never on the downward stroke. As you apply pressure squeeze info the muscles, remembering to ease the strokes as you approach the joints.
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The hips
Tilt your wrist back, so that the fingers are raised. Apply pressure with the heel of your hand into the hip joint and over the buttocks. Press into the joint, circling on the spot, and apply pressure over the buttocks, using arger circling movements. Concentrate only on the soft muscular areas.
The calves
Place both hands on either side of the leg, just below the calf. Tilt your wrists, so that your heels are pressing inward toward each other, and squeeze up and over the calf muscles. Apply pressure in toward the centre. Work in strips up over the calf, always releasing pressure toward the knee.
The thighs
Position both hands over the thigh muscles, just above the knee. Using the weight of your body, push upward over the muscles, the heels pressing in toward the centre of the leg. Avoid pressure at the top and inside of the thigh, and round your strokes over the hip. Again, work over the muscles in strips.