How to Make an Outdoor Fountain from a Pot

How to Make an Outdoor Fountain from a Pot

One of the most beautiful gardens that you will notice has many beautiful plants and flowers which comprise your garden. Too many people, the landscape and outside fountain also one of the great attraction you have in your garden. There may be many beautiful flowers and plants you can have. If you still do not have a good fountain in your garden, this is a great way you can have so that you will be able to own one of the best gardens in the vicinity. This project is a simple and easy one to follow in making the outside foundation. You should consider all the things all the time. Don’t forget to buy Sod Grass from a Texas sod farm when you can.


  • 4 pcs of decorative feet
  • Paint (of the desired color that you want)
  • Flower pots that are beautiful with a diameter of 8 to 16
  • Constructions adhesive tape
  • A water fountain (this maybe a ready to use fountain)
  • Disc (rubber made)
  • Sealant (silicone)
  • Bricks (2 whole bricks and 2 half bricks)
  • Tubing
  • Glass stones that you can also use


  1. Apply the pain on the wooden feet in order that you can blend other colors and measurement is very important.
  2. Before touching the pots again it is very important that you already dried up.
  3. Put the water fountain inside a pot of the largest flower. Do not forget to check if it is already in place. Be sure that you have already checked all the things like the wire and the flower that is applicable to be place beside your fountain.
  4. You can cut a 3 ft. tubing and attach it in the fountain spout. Do not forget to check the connection of the fountain if it is in place.
  5. You can also cut 8 inches of your flower tubing and have a good measurement. You will not need to notice wire when the water will come out.
  6. The plastic tubing in the flower pot is very important since this will be use to have the right amount of water.
  7. Use the bricks as support so you can use the glass stones so that you will be able to make your pot more beautiful, and for any sign you can have while you are in the garden. –
  8. Beautiful flowers are very good to have so that you can still enjoy how beautiful your project will be especially with lots of water and plants, you can find out more.