American Idol remains a very popular show, and people who attend live performances as part of the audience have a lot of fun. But many fans out there who want to get into the audience, so you’ll have to try your luck with the special system that gives everybody the chance to attend the show. If you’ve ever wondered how to get tickets to the American Idol shows and see your favorite contestants live, follow these guidelines.
- Because a waiting list exists for getting tickets—and because the show has so many fans—the first thing you need to do is sign up online for the show runners to put your name on the audience waiting list. You can do this by visiting the On Camera Audience website ( Read the instructions for getting tickets to the show and fill out the form at the bottom of the page. You must be at least 14 years old to apply for a place in the audience. Once you put in your name, age, phone number and email address, click Submit to send your request to get your name on the waiting list.
- Check your email from time to time, as you will receive a notification when check-in vouchers become available. Keep in mind that these vouchers don’t guarantee you will get into the audience. It works on a first come, first served basis until the show reaches full capacity.
- You might receive a notification at any moment, and you’ll have to get ready for a fast trip. You should know that whether you get into the show or not, the organizers will not cover any travel costs. Sometimes you find out about voucher availability only a couple of days before the show. Don’t make plans to go to Hollywood at a time when there’s a show going on. Remember that you have no way of knowing when your notification will come. The number of vouchers changes from show to show, so nobody can give you a real estimate time.
- Ensure you can make it to the show before accepting a voucher. If you miss out on the chance to go to the show for which you accepted the check-in voucher, you have to go back to the first step and register for the waiting list again. Don’t forget to put your name on the list again if you still want to participate in the show’s audience. Accepting a check-in voucher means the organizers automatically take your name off the waiting list.
- You cannot transfer or sale American Idol check-in vouchers. Be aware of this in case anybody tries to give or sell you a check-in voucher. During admission someone will check the ID of the voucher printout against the ID of the voucher holder at the entrance, thus ensuring no one can get in with another person’s voucher.