Technically, chilean sea bass does not fall under the category of a sea bass but it is a Pantagonian toothfish. That is reason why stores sell it as fillets and fish cuts and not the whole fish since its weight is close to 20 lbs or maybe more . The fat content in this is comparatively higher than that found in pollock or lean cod. Thus while being cooked, there is no requirement to add oil to it since the fat makes up for it on melting. You may grill it, broil it, saute it and blacken it since these methods do not require use of oil. Out of these, grilling is easy and least complicated as regards the chilean sea bass. The recipe listed below is a serving for two. In case more is needed, double it accordingly.
- chilean sea bass (1 lb)
- any flavor of bottled marinade (2 tablespoon)
- one bowl
- one grill brush
- some cooking oil
- one spatula
- Rinse the chilean sea bass under water.
- After rinsing, slice the fish in fillet form, each roughly 4 oz. fillets
- Take the bowl and place the fish in it. Now marinade the fish nicely so that it is covered from all sides. This will help the fish to taste the same all over since the marinade will soak into it during the grilling.
- Using the cooking oil, wet the grill grates. Use the grill brush for a uniform coating. You can also use paper towels for this purpose.
- Once the grill grates are oiled, heat the grill to a medium high temperature.
- By this time the fish would be marinaded. Remove it from the marinade bowl and place it directly over the grill. It should be placed in a manner which allows the fillets to be turned over.
- Gill the fish for eight minutes on one side.
- After the first eight minutes, flip the fish with the help of a spatula and grill for another eight minutes.
- Once the fish starts looking opaque, check with a fork. If flakes come off, it is ready to eat.
- You may use additional garnishing to enjoy more.
- When using a broiler, place the fillets after marinading onto a broiling pan. Cook for fifteen minutes on high. Halfway turn the fish for uniform cooking.