How to Convert MP3 to M4A

Nowadays many handy electronic goods are very popular among people all over the world. This suits especially for the teenagers who always used to hear songs at any time. Mostly, the people travel around for the whole and hence they want to have some fun in their journey. Their only choice is to select hearing songs and it is the only entertainment which needs no much money to spend and no need to spend your energy.

  • You can hear songs by sitting or sleeping in a particular place. You can also carry them with you with the help of handy equipment like iPod, walkman, cell phone, etc. Walkmans are now become old fashioned and hence their usage is totally decreased and no one is using them now. IPod are become more familiar after walkmans. They help in providing you the options for hearing songs with the good quality. You can carry them anywhere with you.

  • There are different varieties in them and most of the young people nowadays using them for hearing their favorite songs. You can have it any size and shape and they are available in different colors. Young girls are showing more interest in buying them when compared to others. Since they are available in many colors they are choosing them the one which best suits their dresses. IPods become more famous today due to their beautiful structure and affordable attractive prizes.
  • The audio files you are hearing in iPod having the extension format as m4a which is actually associated with the iTunes format. Hence you can’t directly hear your songs in mp3 formats in the iPod. You need to change them from mp3 to m4a or iTunes format to hear the favorite songs with good quality. The following suggestions help you in converting your mp3 audio files into m4a formats. If you buy a player for doing this, it will be expensive and there are many free software products available to do this conversion.
  • First take a good empty CD which best suits all your mp3 files. Once you finish copying your files, then insert the CD into your system and get into Windows Media player. You can see the burn tab in tat program in its top menu. Now select the files which you want to write them in to the CD. After this step, a message will appear and ask you for an option. Choose, create audio CD and then click burn and now your songs get written into your CD.
  • The next job is to convert the mp3 in CD into iTunes. Once you insert your copied CD into the system, the iTunes menu will open and ask you for the option of converting them into iTunes. Select tat option and the process start automatically and convert the files in CD into m4a format. Now you can copy into your iPod and play them.