How to Convert MP3 to AVI

You can come across many players for playing the audio files. The important thing to notice is the different types of players available. You are going to play audio songs only in all types of players, if it is the case, then what is the need for many different categories in players? The answer is due to the availability of more number of file formats in audio songs and their problem in compatibility.  You can see a number of file formats in songs like mp3, mp4, avi, wav, aac, etc.

  • You can get any type of audio file songs format from the internet and nowadays available with many people. With those different formats, you can’t hear the songs properly in a good quality. Sometimes, these files won’t run in your player at all. In that situation there is a need for you to convert them to suit your player. It is the responsibility of you to make them suit your application. The following suggestions help you in converting the mp3 files in your system into avi formats in order to play in your players.

  • AVI are actually video format files and they can’t run in your mp3 players. Mostly, a person wants to hear the songs in mp3 players because of their various facilities and compatibility. It is easier to use mp3 when compared to other formats. Hence you have to change the avi movie files into mp3. Once you finish converting them into mp3 files, then you can very well transform them into CDs with you. Then you can insert them into your mp3 players and hear your songs in audio formats rather than video files.
  • The conversion process is somewhat lengthy because it needs extracting and then conversion processes. First get the avi movie files with you from the system and then you can explore for both audio and video parts in each and every file. Then extract the audio part alone from the avi files. Once you complete the extracting, then you can readily change them to mp3 using many free software programs online.
  • Audio Extractor is a freeware application which is used to convert avi into mp3 file formats. They will initially extract the audio data from avi and then convert the audio into mp3 formats. Once this conversion gets over, you can very well write these files in to a CD for playing them in your mp3 player. You can also play them in the system using CD drivers in them. Storing your converted files in CD is a long process when compared to saving in your system. Sometimes, there may be no space in your system due to the storage of songs in your system as they will occupy more space. Hence you have to delete them for saving important files. If you already store your files in CDs, it will be easier in those situations. Hence there will be no need for you to delete those song files ever.