You would like to capture every moment of the outdoor activities like hiking, swimming, camping etc. and show it to our friends and family. In order to do this we should have a digital camera. And this should work properly outdoor. The indoor camera has the ability for taking pictures in dim light whereas the outdoor cameras are weatherproof.
When a person goes for swimming or hiking his camera gets exposed to moisture and dust, and this will damage the electronics of the camera. This will also harm the camera by causing scratches on the lens and LCD display. Hence for this purpose we need a camera which is designed to be used outdoor.
- We should look for cameras which are resistant to water. But if your camera is open to too much of moisture then we can a buy a cover which suits it.
- We would like to take pictures from very long distances and also we would like to preserve the color and sharpness of the picture. For this we should buy a camera which has high resolution especially if we want the blow up photos to be printed. But if we just want to take photos of our family then the camera can have a resolution below 5 megapixels.
- We should also look for cameras with a shutter speed that is adjustable as this will help us to take pictures of the sunset and sunrise and also take dramatic photos with excellent colors.
- As we have to spend most of our time outdoor and as we will be very far from our homes we should buy a camera which has good batteries. If we take photos during daytime we need not make use of flash light and hence it will consume less power from the battery. And also we should have an extra battery which should have full charge while taking it out.
- We will be staying outside and hence we will not be able to use a computer and hence we should always have a digital camera while going outdoor as it can save many pictures. The resolution should also be adjusted in order to save memory space.
- We should also have a digital camera which will boot up fast the moment it is turned on. It should also be able to handle movements so that we can take a sharp photo. And also the outdoor camera is ought to be less sensitive.
- The sunlight will be very bright and so we should have a camera which has large and clear LCD display so that we need not peek via the viewfinder. And also if the LCD is large we can take clear photos.
If we wish to take photos underwater then we should buy a camera that can be used under water for a certain period of time.