A bird aviary provides a place for birds to fly and enjoy nature as if they were wild. It also allows you to enjoy your birds without having all the mess that’s involved with several indoor cages.
- If you decide on an aviary, then you need to consider security and protection from both the weather and predators. You’ll need to lay down a solid base this will stop predators from tunneling. A solid roof or partly-covered roof will give the birds shelter from the rain, although you may also want to consider attaching a small shed or something similar to the end to give them somewhere to roost out of the wind and more.
- Once you’ve worked out where to build the aviary and have planned how you want it, the next step is to build it. Building your own works out cheaper and adds a personal touch to it. The more detailed your plans are at the beginning; the easier it will be to build it.
- After it is built, you need to add the same furnishings that are needed in your decorative wooden birdhouses, but because more birds can be housed and of the larger space, you need to think on a larger scale. Tree branches make good perches because of their uneven texture; they also vary in size along the branch if you leave the twigs on. Then all you need to do is fill a bucket with warm water and get a dishcloth, sponge, or similar and wash down the branch, giving it a good scrub to get any algae or dirt off.
- Food bowls will need to be bigger as well. I recommend using wide bowls rather than deep ones, because then it allows you to put a lot of seed in but only in a thin layer. This means that when the finches are eating and the hulls from the seeds go back in the bowl, they don’t have to dig really deep to get to the seed. You’ll need to replace the seed once a day. If there is no seed left in the bowl when you go to change it (just hulls), then it’s an indication you’re not putting enough in. It’s better to overfill their bowl and throw a little away than to starve them.
- Water bowls can be any size, as long as they hold sufficient water for the birds. I only use metal bowls as they are easier to clean and are more hygienic whereas plastic bowls have been known to help grow bacteria because they absorb an amount of what’s in them.