How to Avoid Telemarketers

How to Avoid Telemarketers

We are well aware baffling telemarketers and the mental tension which is created when they call us. They disturb us when we are doing something important or when we are trying to send time leisurely. The telemarketers are very adamant towards promoting and selling their products, so that they often disturb us. In order to avoid them some tips and tactics are listed.


  • The first and foremost thing to get rid of telemarketers is by avoiding them at the initial stage itself. In most cases we are alone responsible for such problems.  We are the main source of our contact number, so we must avoid giving our number while filling any contest forms or free guarantee cards. During such process our number is vulnerable to the telemarketers who prepare a list out of our numbers. It’s better to avoid making our number a public usage.

  • In most cases we might have given our number to contests, which allows the telemarketers to call us any time. In case if they have called already it’s better for us to save their number and avoid them if they call us the next time. Even if we try to avoid them they would call us continuously till we attend their call. So we have to deal them very carefully.
  • There is another method of handling the issue. It is to attend the call and let them market their product. If we do this by spending a little time we get a chance to hear the offer and if we are not interested we can neglect their offer and we can give them a chance to put our number in “do-not-call” list. In some cases they may continue to market even after we show that we uninterested. During such cases we can politely hang up and we must inform them before doing so.
  • There are certain cases where the above listed methods become ineffective; under such circumstances we can register our number in the website <>. In the website there are guidelines to register our number. Once we have registers the telemarketers cannot call us for forth coming ten years. In case if they call us we can charge a complaint against them.
  • As mentioned before there are many ways to avoid the telemarketers. While handling the telmarketers we must be well aware of our rights. If we are well aware of our rights we can easily handle the telemarketers. The telemarketers cannot disturb us from 9 in the evening till 8 in the morning.  The telemarketers cannot make a call to us twice or more in a day. If the violate these rules we can to charge a complaint against the telemarketers.