The cpanel has an advanced guestbook located in the CGI center under Softwares/Services.
To setup the Advanced Guestbook, follow the instructions below.
- Read the terms of service before you proceed to fill out the fields below.
- Enter a username in the Admin user textbox. This username will gives you administrative priviledges for the guestbook.
- Enter a password into the Admin Pass textbox. To create a strong password, you should include symbols such as %, ^, &, *, #, and @ in your password. The password should contain letters, numbers and special characters. The password should be unique and cannot be a word that can be found in the dictionary.
- The Generate Password button is a great way to create a strong password that is secure.
- After that, retype the same password into the Admin Password (Again) textbox.
- Enter the email address where you would like to receive notification each time a visitor submits an entry to the guestbook.
- Enter the URL of the webpage where the guestbook will be installed.
- Enter the prefix of the databases which will be created in the Table Prefix textbox. The table prefix help the web server not to confuse the guestbook entry with other type of information on the website.
- Choose a database where you would like to use for your guestbook from the MySQL DB drop down menu. You can select an existing database to use for your guestbook. If you want to create a new database, select Create New Database.
- Finally, click on the Install button.
You can upgrade the version of your guestbook by click on Upgrade. If you want to remove an Advance Guestbook, click Uninstall. If you follow the instructions above, you will be able to install advance guestbook on your website through cPanel.