How to Use a Paint Spray Machine

How to Use a Paint Spray Machine

Everyone wants to apply attractive colors for their dream houses. But day-by-day they get faded due to weather and other natural conditions. Also they want to apply some new colors for their old houses to give them a greater look. Spray painting walls and fences isn’t hard at all. It can cover more mileage when compared with using a paintbrush. By using spray painting, you can also show your artistic sense by applying some designs on the walls. And for bigger jobs like painting concrete or steel, you should consider hiring professionals from an industrial coating service.

If you start spraying inside the rooms, remind to cover all the furniture in your home. For the windows you can make use of the newspapers and the masking tapes. If the spraying work is carried out outside then make sure that you covered your car and fence as well. You must cover yourself too before carrying out the process.

If you could not cover your whole body, try to cover the exposed skin area. There are also some suits to wear while doing spray painting. You can also wear them if possible. Don’t use just a thing cloth to mask you from the bits of paint and the fumes. Use respirator to safeguard yourself.

  • First apply thin or single coats only. To learn the process to apply it properly follows the instructions given below:
  • First try to know the purpose of each buttons and knobs. Familiarize yourself with all the available buttons in it. Pressure adjustment knob, priming button, off and on button are some of the buttons. Once you get them you can start doing your work.
  • First place a bucket and fill it with paint and then make sure that the tip of spray machine is placed inside it. Set prime button by getting priming hose out of bucket of paint and point it towards ground or the floor and also make sure that it does not point to anyone else.
  • You can increase pressure by making use of knob by turning it down. First paint and water combined will come out and wait until you get pure paint.
  • Now you are ready to spray. Just switch your button to spray. Adjust the pressure of spray gun by making use of pressure knob. Squeeze the handle to use spray gun and also make sure that you are not spraying at anybody.
  • Twist spray tip to 180 degrees to remove the spray gun from clogging.  The gun is really dangerous and hence you should not point it to anybody’s skin or face. Actually paint moves at a high speed when you triggered your gun. It will puncture your skin because of its force and then enter your blood which is really bad for organs. Get in to nearest hospital if anything like this happen.

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