How to Use a Computer to Help Students with ADHD

Children with ADHD are able to concentrate, keep on task and inhibit inappropriate behaviours much better when using computers. They usually respond well to computer-based tasks, especially when there is instant feedback from the interaction and colourful animations.

It is a good idea to ascertain how quickly any child with ADHD can type, and how interested they are in using computers. Some children are not interested and others are good at typing and prepared to use a computer for essays and longer work, but not for classroom situations.

Try presenting tasks in a computerized format – as a Word document rather than a pen and paper task -as children with ADHD will be able to take in more information. Documented instructions or information on the computer can be referred back to as often as the child needs, thus reducing the demands on the child’s memory. Research suggests that using a computerized format, linked with interactive cartoon characters can help increase a child’s engagement with a task and reduce fidgety, out-of-seat behaviour. The computer can also provide non-judgemental feedback which doesn’t have the complications of face-to-face feedback. With this in mind, consider giving feedback via email or a Word document or online forum.

For older pupils, using computers to help with coursework can result in much more effective work being done. Show them how to use PowerPoint software to make study cards and to do revision work, as it makes the tasks more interesting. Including colour andanimations can turn it into a multi-sensory learning experience. Also, teach the pupils to use the ‘label’ programme on Word in order to print labels that can be stuck onto cards for revision work. If you are revising vocabulary, put the word in one colour and the definition in another so that it makes the cards easier to sort.

There is a wide range of computerized educational software available which can be particularly motivating and engaging for children with ADHD, so why not have a look at what’s on offer? A good place to start is Sherston Software Limited,