For some parents, the question of whether or not to give their child the government-recommended vaccinations is a sensitive one. Most children suffer no side-effects after their vaccinations. But there are a small number that do. Vaccinations are given from the age of about two months onwards. Other immunizations such as BCG will also be given at around twelve or thirteen years old.
Parents should be warned by GPs and health visitors about the small number of children who will react badly to the vaccines, suffering convulsions, paralysis or brain damage. But there are lesser side-effects from allergic reactions to personality changes (happy, placid child to irritable, uncontrollable child) that have affected some children, and in the case of the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine, some parents have reported language difficulties and sensory distortions.
What you can do
Get as much information as you can on the vaccinations your child is to receive. Talk to your doctor or health visitor about any concerns you may have. Your child should not be immunized if they are suffering from an acute illness until they are better, if they have had a severe reaction to a previous vaccination, or are taking any medication that might affect their ability to fight off infection. They do not have to have the vaccinations at the recommended times, nor do they have to have the combined jabs.
Homoeopathic treatment can be effective to counteract vaccination side-effects and can be given before and/or afterwards. Treatment will depend on the vaccination given and the type of side-effects.
An osteopath would work to help increase the child’s own immune system to deal with the vaccine entering the body. This may be done by mainly working on the lymphatic system and to rebalance any effects of the vaccine. Traditional Chinese medicine A TCM practitioner may recommend leaving vaccination until as late as possible to allow the child’s own defensive energy to develop. TCM sees a mild reaction to a vaccination, such as mild fever, restless-ness and difficulty in sleeping, as a good sign as it shows that the vaccine ‘has taken’ and that the body’s Qi or vital energy is strong. Tonic herbs such as Ginseng and Chinese Angelica, or acupuncture, may be given before a vaccination to help the child’s constitution. Herbs may also be given as part of aftercare to help clear the phlegm that often tends to build up after vaccination.