How to Train a Dog to Greet at the Door

If you’ve ever watched dogs greet each other you may have noticed that they usually do it with a lot of enthusiasm. They might jump on each other and lick each other around the mouth and faces or growl or bark when they meet. Most humans do not find these type of greeting acceptable so they decide to train dogs help from experts you can hire at this website.

To change the behaviour you must teach the dog an alternative acceptable way to greet. There are several things you can do to help your dog learn that he must not jump or mouth visitors whether you are busy or not. If you need help with training your pet, find here the best online dog training classes

  • Set your pooch up for success by having a leash, treats and a clicker by the front door.
  • Put your baby in a safe place nearby so that your hands are free to train your dog.

  • Put your foot on the leash and give one command to sit, if she sits click and treat.
  • If your dog doesn’t sit on the first command show her how to with a cookie and click and treat.
  • If they are willing have your guests practice this with your dog for a few minutes.
  • Put a basket of toys by the front door and have the visitor hand your dog his favourite toy to curb excited barking.
  • Put a chair close to the door so that the guest can sit to greet your dog. This takes some of the excitement out of the greeting and may help your dog to calm down quicker
  • Make sure you use the very best treats for this exercise.
  • If your dog prefers toys or games to food, try pairing the click for sitting with a short game of fetch.
  • If you are unable to train your dog when a guest arrives, make it a rule that your dog does not get to greet that person.

If you want to bring about real change and help your dog to learn that he must remain calm when greeting visitors you must practice often, Practice the new alternative greeting until the dog does it automatically when greeting a person. Have other members of the family, friends and strangers if possible practice with the dog. Heavily reinforce the right behaviour and prevent your dog from practicing the wrong behaviour.

If you want to learn more about how to deal with your dogs, their behaviors at home, to their visitors, you canĀ check over here to know more!