How to Tap a Beer Keg

How to Tap a Beer Keg

You may not be a professional. But an ordinary person can also have a party with a beer keg. The main problem is that of tapping the beer keg. For this you should follow the following steps:


  • First of all you should bring a keg. You cannot do anything if you have not got the keg. You will have to put a large container in your vehicle. You will have to make a place in your vehicle; otherwise you may not be able to do the required task.
  • When you may be dealing with weight of 120 pounds it is a great job to get the keg to an appropriate tapping site. You should bring a friend to hold it with you. You should bring a container having lot of ice if you have not got a kegarator.  Bottom of the keg must be submerged in ice. The main thing is to cool down the beer.
  • Two types of taps are present in the market; domestic and imported. You should extend your knowledge about taps.

  • Taps: In Us and Canada, D-system of taps is commonly used.
  • Four keg types are European. S-system sankey is most commonly used in Europe. Amstel Light and Heineken are compatible with it.
  • Pony kegs and bronco kegs are mostly attached with picnic kegs. Draft beer can be enjoyed at homes by using these tools.
  • The taps, which operate with electricity, are not able to make the beer fresh for long. They are useful for short time storage of beer. A system which is powered by carbon dioxide is necessary for the storage of beer from 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Give the thing, time to rest. You must know that whether it is a domestic keg or it is an imported type of keg, the manner of attachment is the same. You should give importance to two steps. A seal is present on the top most area of the keg. You should push the seal until it opens. You will have to rotate clockwise as you go further downwards. This will let you go inward. The keg will be locked in its place. Give it time to settle down. If you will haste, the beer may come out of the keg in a fountain like manner. This is surely not the thing you want.

You should be capable of maintaining a good discipline among the people in the party. It is really very important. Otherwise there will be unexpected issues that will make you suffer a lot.