Handbags are a woman’s most important accessory. Any fashionista knows the importance of carrying a beautiful and stylish purse on her arm. Louis Vuitton has designed couture purses for more than 150 years. If you want to show your exquisite taste by getting an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag, follow these few tips when making your purchase.
- You’ve probably seen ads online telling you that you can get discount or cheap Louis Vuitton handbags. Though it might prove tempting to get a couture purse for a good price, you should know that authentic Louis Vuitton handbags don’t come cheap. If you want an original Louis Vuitton piece, you will need roughly between $500 and $1200. The price depends on the type of purse you like, size, canvas or leather materials, and whether it’s a classic or a limited edition item.
- Your Louis Vuitton should bring style to your outfit. A fake Louis Vuitton will make you look cheap or as if you don’t know the first thing about fashion. There exists a fine line between couture and kitsch. Watch out for fake sellers of Louis Vuitton items. You’ll find them both on the street and online. If you don’t have enough money right now for an original Louis Vuitton, wait a bit, save some more, and get the real deal. Buy from the Louis Vuitton shops or from the Louis Vuitton website. You can also buy Louis Vuitton on Ebay, but take extra care. Ebay has a Louis Vuitton originality guide, so ensure you read it.
- Understand that Louis Vuitton doesn’t have discounts and sales. You have to pay a full price for an authentic Louis Vuitton handbag.
- Take your time when choosing your Louis Vuitton. LV handbags should fit your personality and complete your stylish wardrobe. Try different models, different sizes and shapes. A popular choice for a first Louis Vuitton handbag remains the Speedy model. Made of Monogram Canvas, these waterproof bags prove comfortable to wear and have plenty of space in the interior. If you want a smaller model, try the Eva Cluth, inspired by the beautiful Eva Herzigova.
- You don’t have to make a purchase the first time you visit a Louis Vuitton shop. Go there several times, look at the different models and collections, and then make your choice with patience. When you find the right Louis Vuitton handbag, you will simply love it.
- Louis Vuitton handbags are of very high quality. If you take care of your LV purse, you will enjoy it for many years. You need to clean the leather from time to time with a soft cloth, just a little bit wet. You can also safely use baby wipes. Don’t ever immerse it in water, as the leather might sustain damaged. If you have any other damage on your handbag, contact the shop from where you bought it and explain the situation; they might have the ability to fix it.