In the current corporate world there are extreme needs for letters and fax being sent from more corners of the world. There are very many software that are used for this purpose. The letters can be sent from computers to computers using the internet , but some of the type of letters like the hand written documents and route maps etc (i.e. the letters which are transmitted in the same form as they are) can be transmitted using the facsimile (fax).
One type of sending fax is using the Microsoft outlook express. To do this we are in need of some special software’s. Some of the famous software’s used for this purpose that can be downloaded from the internet, are mentioned below.
Mighty fax, smart fax, total fax, fax tools expert. Of the above three types of the software’s, the mighty fax is the most user friendly software which is most widely used nowadays. This type of method does not need ant fax machine. The letters are typed using any word editors and can be sent. The incoming messages or fax are directly printed out using the printer. The fax in modem must be connected with the databases.
The smart fax systems can recognize the character optically. Once they are recognized they are easily converted to a form that is compatible with most of the word editors. This can be easily interlinked with the Microsoft outlook express.
The above explained software’s are enough to send a limited number of destinations, when the number of destinations increases in a wide range, the job of sending fax to all of them becomes a little tedious job. Total fax software has been developed especially for this purpose. The contact list can be used from the desktop and they can be easily added or deleted from the destination list, so that many number of destinations can be sent fax at the same time using few process steps. The additional features available with this software are that it consists of some prewritten models or templates, using which you can create professional fax.
The total fax systems are widely used in many places where there is need for broadcasting the fax to multiple numbers of peoples.
Fax tools expert is the professional software which has been widely sold around the world and it allows us to send fax through the internet and we can save a lot of money. High quality fax can be sent and received clearly and effectively using this expert tool (fax method). This can be easily connected or operated with many word editors like Microsoft word, Microsoft excel and other databases.
The need of the user holds the key in selecting the type of the software that is required.