The interview process is your defining moment. This is the chance that is given to you by a potential employer so that you can prove to them that you are worthy of being part of their company. However, a failed job interview can also be the reason why you have to bade that company goodbye. That is why it is very important to prepare yourself for this challenge.
One of the important things you must do is to familiarize yourself with common job interview questions. Think of answers to these questions, but do not memorize your prepared answer, lest you sound like a recording that is just on playback.
Tell us something about yourself.
Treat this as an invitation for them to get to know you. Remember however, that interviewers do not have much time, so do not tell them your entire life story. Select personal details that are worth remembering, and would showcase strengths, talents and skills that are essential to the job you are applying for.
What is your biggest weakness?
This question is tricky, because it seems to elicit a negative answer from you. Do not respond with your biggest weakness, steer the conversation instead to a weakness that could be seen as a threat. For instance, it would be quite fatal to say that you are a gambler. Instead, say that you are a risk-taker and that you feel that this is sometimes a weakness because sometimes the risk you take does not bring in the most advantage. Follow through by saying that you have, however, mastered the art of taking a calculated risk, and that you do not embark on reckless risks.
Why should we hire you?
This is the time when you are supposed to highlight all your strengths. Be very careful though because sometimes, applicants have tendencies to go overboard and they come off as boastful. Always say that your success has been fueled by the inspiration and help of other people, and that you also have learned lessons from your mistakes.
Have you ever had conflicts with previous co-workers or your boss?
Do not be fooled in saying that you have never been in a conflict situation with fellow workers. Say instead, that you have had your share of conflicts, but all are due to minor differences, and that these have never escalated to major issues. Say that you are a listener and a leader, and you always believe in the power of talking it out and conciliation.
How do you see yourself with our company?
The interviewer wants to see if you have taken time to find out more about their company. Say that you see yourself growing while sharing your skills and knowledge. Be specific in terms of the work you envision yourself to be doing in the company in the next couple of years.
More importantly, be polite all the time. Do not become too familiar with the interviewers. Maintain a professional attitude but be positive and enthusiastic about your answers. They will see your energy and optimism, and if the job is really for you, they would not hesitate to give you a chance.