How to Paint Wainscoting

Wainscoting is a panel made of wood or another material that is used to make a border along a wall. It is applied directly to a wall. It may extend for up to 3-4 feet from the floor up the wall surface. Each type of wainscoting can be painted. It’s also crucial to choose the painters with the best reviews, so be sure to check those thoroughly. I found who must be the best painter Dublin has available by doing that and he was just superb, so it shows that it works! Ready-to-finish paints are available for wainscoting painting. They usually are oil or latex based products. The type of paint you need depends on where you will install your wainscoting panels. Here is how you can paint your wainscoting with ease.


Things You’ll Need:

  • Dropcloths
  • 150-grit sandpaper
  • Rags
  • Painter’s tape
  • Paint tray
  • 2 1/2-inch angled paintbrush
  • 4-inch roller pad and frame
  • Multipurpose primer for latex and oil-based paints
  • Paint thinner
  • Stir stick

Step 1

You need to prepare the wainscoting to be painted. Do this by sanding the surface of the wainscoting panels with 150 grit sandpaper. Sanding helps to eliminate imperfects and creates a great bonding surface for the paint. Always sand with the grain of the panels. Wipe off any residue with a clean rag.

Step 2

use painter’s tape to cover the wall and floor edge that will directly touch the wainscoting. This protects the surrounding objects from getting paint on them. Place dropcloths on the floor in case paint drips or spills.

Step 3

Prime the entire area of the wainscoting panel. Apply the primer with a 2 ½ inche angled paintbrush. Start at the wall near the floor and use the 4 inche roller to coat the panels. Apply the primer with the grain of the panels. Allow the primer to dry complete before painting the wainscoting with the color of your choice.

Step 4

Apply a coat of latex or oil based paint to a brush and roller. In areas that get lots of trafic, use a more durable paint. Oil paint is not as susceptible to chipping as others may be. It is also less susceptible to moisture. An oil based paint should be thineed prior to using. Do this by addding some paint to a tray and then 1/8 of a cup of paint thinner should be mixed in. Stir with a paint stick until mixed well. You do not need to think latex paint. Oil paint can become hard to wrok with in a short time. Paint thinner helps you apply the paint with less hassle. Allow the paint to dry overnight.

Step 5

You should apply a second coat of paint. Afterwards, take the painter’s tape off. The longer painter’s tape stays on a surface, the harder it becomes to remove without taking some of the paint off.