How to Minimize Bad Behaviour for Children with ADHD

Because children with ADHD are hypersensitive and tend to misinterpret comments, reprimands and punishments should be done with care and sensitivity.

After an incident, try to put in place appropriate strategies to prevent similar difficulties recurring. These should be implemented from an understanding of ADHD with the aim of minimizing rather than excusing the behaviour or problem. For example, in a situation where homework is regularly forgotten or not returned, arranging for it to be emailed to the teacher might be an option.

Bad Behaviour

It is usually best to use careful reprimands with a measured tone of voice and an attitude suited to the behaviour. Make sure it is clear that it is the behaviour not the child that you are criticizing and phrase your comments in such a way as to encourage better compliance next time. Try not to damage the child’s self-esteem, and avoid appearing stressed, losing control, lecturing, ridiculing or criticizing the child in front of the class. Look forward to a positive future by suggesting ideas as to how things might happen better next time, and don’t see the child as a failure.

These pupils can be particularly frustrating to teach and their domineering style often isn’t popular with peers. They don’t readily back down so it can help to train them to carry out small and reasonable requests and, where possible, give them a choice of outcome, either of which would be acceptable to you. Thus neither party loses face, there is less likelihood of confrontation and the controlling child has not taken over. Give him additional responsibilities that play to his strengths. Many teachers find that asking for the child’s help in improving matters can be very productive and encourages further co-operation.

There is every chance that a child behaving badly is suffering inside and his physical, emotional and intellectual performance is being impaired. Do not get drawn into adopting his negative behavioural style, shouting or not bothering with him – this can be persistently draining and can lead you to think that it is you who has the problem. Rather than regarding these pupils as an unwelcome burden, make it a priority to cater for them so that the whole class operates smoothly.