How to Make Your Dogs to Overcome Summer Heat

While all dogs are quite vulnerable in very hot summer days, there are breeds that are much more in danger because of their conformation. These are dogs with very heavy coats, black coats, or Brach-cephalic breeds with very narrow nasal passages such as Pugs, Bulldogs, Boxers and Pekingese. Also dogs suffering from heart or pulmonary conditions are predisposed to overheat, as well as dogs that suffer from seizures or fevers. There are several easy guidelines dog owners can follow in order to ensure their four legged friend is protected from excess heat.

  • Keeping hydrated is important in the summer. Our dog should have access to fresh water at all times, indoors, and out. Owners should be aware that dogs will drink more when their water is fresh, and should find the time to refresh their dog’s water at least twice daily.
  • Dogs must have a shady place to go when outside, even if they only go out for a short time. Keep in mind that as the sun moves the dog’s ability to access shade will change.

  • Removing some of the dog’s hair will help it to be cool, but not everyone wants to have their dog shaved short. Bathing the dog and blowing out the coat will remove some of the loose hairs, as would brushing the dog robustly, and particularly in reverse of the way the dogs hair lays.
  • The basement is often the coolest part of a home, especially if you have Eastern Suburbs Air Con. If your dog is allowed into your home be sure he, or she, can access your basement and lay on the floor to cool itself off and if you don’t already have an ac unit then consider contacting your local provider for a quick and easy residential air conditioning installation. If you already own an hvac system for your dogs, then make sure to schedule regular ac repair and heating maintenance.
  • If your dog enjoys toys such as rope toys, you can soak these in water and freeze overnight.  Not only can this help the toy to last longer, but your dog will enjoy chewing it and will stay cool. Anything that is wet will be cool, so if you have an old blanket that you can soak and lay out for your dog to rest on you should do so.
  • Larger dogs will enjoy having a plastic kiddies pool filled with water. This is not for them to drink, but rather for them to play in. If you put a ball in the pool the dog may really enjoy this.
  • Know your breed. As mentioned earlier, some breeds have more problems with heat. These, of course, include the longer haired, fluffy, dogs such as Huskies, but also include the breeds with shorter noses, such as Pugs, Boxers, and Pekingese. Special care should be taken to keep these dogs cool in the summer.

If you have done all the right things your dog will not suffer in the summer heat, however it is very important you monitor your dog for signs of problems associated with summer heat.