If you are one of the people who on a regular basis wash down your cell phone by accident, then do not panic. Get a towel as soon as possible and dry your cell phone. Also, unlock it and dry out the display and buttons. Remove the battery and make use of your towel to dry it if there is water on top of it. Wait for about an hour and after that replace your battery in your phone and expectantly it will start.
If it does not start, then take the battery outback again. Leave it alone until the next few days. In daylight, put your towel on a smooth surface in your backyard. Leave your phone on the towel to dry. After it is almost dark outside, take your phone back indoors. Do again this for almost a week. Subsequent to a few days of sun drying, make use of your blow dryer on a very low temperature and position it about three inches away your phone battery.
Do this for almost half an hour. After that, put your battery back into your mobile phone and switch it on. If you notice some light showing like on the Led buttons, then this is still fine, since it means there is development. Make an effort to call someone and notice if it goes through. If it does, your display will turn on very soon. However if it does not, then again dry your cell phone, for a few added days. If your phone has not any progress, then you may want to change your phone as soon as possible.