Dandelion coffee can be purchased from ground and can be made into coffee at home easily. Dandelion coffee is a type of decaffeinated drink prepared naturally. To make pure dandelion coffee from scratch are given. The dandelion coffee is made from its roasted root. The dandelion coffee tastes as a regular coffee. It has dark, roasted taste. There is much difference in the taste of dandelion coffee compared to regular coffee but some people prefer the taste of the dandelion coffee. The advantage of dandelion coffee over the regular coffee is that it has some herbal benefits. These roots are available in modern health shops.
The dandelion roots contain top 6 types of Chinese herbal medicine and contains high quantity of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A. The anti-oxidants present in the dandelion helps to improve the function of liver, kidney and digestive system. It also acts as a blood purifier. It has no caffeine, no acidity or bitterness and it is sweetened with its own build in fructose.
The dandelion plants must be about two years old. The dandelion plants are grown in the garden. By planting in loose, tilled soil the dandelion roots may grow longer. If it planted in compact soil the dandelion have only small roots. In early spring the dandelion roots are harvested. To make coffee the roots can be harvested at any time. To have the best chance of finding big, quality roots bunches with lots of greens are picked above the ground. With a knife cut the roots off from the dandelion bunch. The roots cut from the bunch are cleaned thoroughly. There are two methods available for cleaning the roots of dandelion. Either u can do each root by hand or the roots are plunged into the water repeatedly.
The cleaned roots are cut into smaller pieces and then they are made to grind in a food processor. The ground dandelion pieces are made to spread out evenly on the cookie sheets. The time consumption for cooking will be more if we use single cookie sheets. So, in order to reduce the cooking time we should use multiple cookie sheets. This reduces the cooking time. The dandelion roots prepared in the cookie sheets are roasted in the pan at 250 degree F for about 2 hours. The dandelion roots in the pan are stirred periodically as they roast to promote even cooking. These dandelion roots are roasted in the pan for about 2 hours. The roasted dandelion roots are grinded well in a coffee grinder or food processor to use in an automatic coffee maker. Now, the dandelion coffee is brewed as like the regular coffee.