There are many testimonies written from people who make a full time income off of residual money. You can start to make residual income as well. No matter how small your income begins, you can build that amount to something substantial. There is the potential of growing the money to full time income amounts to support your family as well. With some know how, savvy and hard work you can make at least $1000 per month in residual income. There are a variety of ways to do generate income. Here are some ways to start increasing your residual monthly income. Read on.
Step 1
Find freelance writing web sites that increase your earning potentials on the content you produce. This translates to finding sites that don’t just pay you one set fee for content you provide. You need sites that will allow you to continue to earn money from the content you contribute on a monthly schedule based on revenue sharing. The most popular content sites that do this is Associated Content, Ehow, Buskia and Info Barrel. These sites have different writer guidelines. Make sure you can abide by the different sets of rules.
Step 2
Research the internet to find a topic that is highly searched and that will go well with advertisements. Then, set up a blog around that topic. You can set up a blog for free using wordpress or Blogger. You will need to design the template and decide how often you can post to the blog. You will also need to find ways to promote this blog so you can start building your monthly residual income.
Step 3
Consider writing an Ebook around the same topic you created the blog about. This is a great tool to earn residual income from. You only have to write it once and you will continue to earn from it for years to come. The fact that you can pair your book with your blog makes it easier to market. Although, your Ebook can be a different subject matter altogether if you want it to be.
Step 4
Find a product that you can support and do some marketing for it. You will earn a commission calculated from the number of sales of the product that you make. Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to generate residual income.
Step 5
You can write about and work hard on these small steps to build your residual income up to $1000 per month. This process may take a little time, but patience does pay off. Keep at it and watch you money grow. You’ll be glad you did.