How to Help Your ADHD Child with Homework

Homework can be particularly difficult for children with ADHD, largely because of their problems with prioritizing, planning, organization and time management. Difficulties getting things down in writing and problems with memory can also contribute. Medication can wear off towards the end of the school day or just after school, and if the child is not taking medication to cover homework time, this can compound the difficulties.

You need to be clear regarding the purpose of the homework and the date due. Give out the homework assignment at the beginning of class and make sure that it is recorded in the assignment book or planner by all pupils when you have their attention. Too often, teachers give out assignments during the last two minutes of class when the ADHD pupil has lost focus and is preparing to move to the next class. Guidance should be given as to the format and what other additional materials or other resources might be necessary. Check that the pupils have understood the assignment, and have written it down, and, if possible, provide time in the classroom when the assignment or homework can be started under some supervision. As much as possible homework should reinforce or extend what is being done at school that day.

Help ADHD Child

Writing assignments on Post-it notes and placing these in the pupil’s assignment book can also work well, with each teacher/subject having a different colour Post-it. Try to check daily that assignments are recorded in the assignment book and, if possible, get another pupil to help with this.

Getting all the right books home is often a headache for pupils. Many solve this problem by taking all their books with them everywhere, resulting in extremely heavy backpacks. Sometimes – financial considerations notwithstanding – it can be useful to have a duplicate set of textbooks at home. Having the pupil record necessary books in an assignment book may work for a few. In primary school, if parents are collecting their child from school, they may be able to check assignments and which books are needed before heading home.