When a child has ongoing academic difficulties over and above those caused by the core ADHD symptoms of poor concentration, impulsivity and hyperactivity, he may need specific support in these areas. There are some broad principles to be aware of that may help the child achieve to his ability through programs like an Online Special Education Program. First, the child will need to be placed on the school’s Special Needs Support Register, usually at the School Action stage, the first stage of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, so that additional targeted support is available at school, if you want them to also receive some extra help with their online high school education then consider courses at sisd.ae. A range of strategies is available in the Code of Practice, so that specific learning difficulties (dyslexia, and numeracy, sometimes referred to as dyscalculia) are properly targeted. Some strategies might include:
- The best English tutors in Singapore and additional reading time can help if reading is weak – use ‘previewing’ strategies; the selection of text with fewer words on a page and shortening the amount of required reading.
- When oral expression is weak – encourage the child to talk about new ideas or experiences, pick topics that are easy for the child to talk about, try and give him the confidence to speak out in class.
- When written language is weak – try to provide structure and help with sequencing and an overall framework for the writing. Using word processors, laptops, displays and projects can be helpful. Don’t give him large quantities of written work to do and try to use multiple-choice or fill-in questions in tests.
- When mathematics is weak – allow the use of calculators with display screens, use graph paper to space numbers, provide additional time, immediate feedback and instruction via modelling of the correct computational methods. You may also consider hiring a math tutor to help them in their test preparation.