In job interviews the major thing to be noted is the impression. If you have impressed him you are in and not otherwise. But this impression is not easily set. You would have to impress them by various ways. If during the interview your cell phone rings, it would impart a bad impression on your boss. Following are some of the tips that can help you avoid your cell disturb you during your job interview:
- If you are sitting in the waiting area and your turn has not come yet, you have this opportunity to turn off your cell phone. If you cannot turn it off for some reason, at least put it into silent mode. You should not be listening to the call during the interview. If you are expecting any important call, you can tell him/her to text him instead of calling during the certain time.
- If it happens that you forget to turn your cell phone off and it then rings during the interview, don’t panic. Say “Excuse Me” and take your hands to the pocket. Turn the cell phone out. Reject the call and turn it off. Now you can proceed with your interview by saying something like “As I was explaining…”
- There may also be situations where you must have to pick up the phone. For example your wife has gone pregnant and her baby can be due at any instant. Your little child is alone at home and is calling you in emergency. Any other situation that is of more significance to you than the job itself.
To handle this situation, there can be a few ways. Like, you can tell you interviewer in the beginning that you would get a call during the interview. This will add to the impression, because you do not want to disturb him during the interview and let him know about your problem before.
Once your cell phone rings, say the interviewer that you are literally very sorry as you have to take the call. Listen to the call, if it’s not an emergency you can tell him that you are in center of the job interview and that he can call you at some later time.
But what if you have not already told the interviewer and the phone rings? You can simply say, “I am literally very sorry. It’s an important call so I have to take it!” Do not take more than three minutes over the call. Once you are done with the call, you can start the conversation again by saying something like: “Sorry, my wife is carrying and I am expecting a baby at any instant so that is why I had to take the call. So I was saying…”
You are done. If you follow these tips, your interviewer will not get any bad impression.