How to Get a Great Battery life from your Laptop

Most of the people use laptops for their mobility and it is designed for the same purpose too. But problem comes when the battery of the laptop shows that it requires charging. Now the laptop is no more mobile. You have to plug in the charger to the battery for some time to recharge it. But there are ways by which you can get best battery time from your laptop. Following are the tips which will help you do so:


  • Defragmenting the hard drive regularly will give you a great battery time. Sometimes, Windows is unable to store data on the hard drive continuously so it stores it in fragments. Now when you’ll need to read the data, your laptop will take more power from the battery to read that fragmented portions of the hard disk. So it’s always better to defragment your hard drive regularly. To defragment a drive, follow the steps given below:

  • Click on “Start” button
  • Click “Run”
  • In the Open input field, type “dfrg.msc” and press Return from the keyboard
  • Disk Defragment Tool will open. Select the drive you want to defragment and click on “Analyze”
  • It will open a message box prompting if you should defragment this drive or not.
  • Clicking on “View Reports” will show you the reports.
  • Click on “Defrag” and it will be defragmented.

Now your hard drive will have data stored continuously. So it will save the battery too.

  • You should decrease the brightness of the LCD screen to get most of the battery time.
  • Try to run files directly via your hard drive. Other media i.e. optical disk and floppy drives will grab the battery’s power more quickly.
  • You should not run a lot of programs at a time; it will require your CPU to work more due to which more power will be drawn from the battery.
  • Use a greater RAM to run more programs. It will lessen the amount of virtual memory being used from hard disk.

These ways can provide you with great battery time. Place your laptop at a smooth surface instead of foamy places, otherwise it will get hot quickly and CPU will start to draw more power from the battery. When not in use, keep the laptop turned off with Windows shutdown. This will help you save a lot of power. Also keep your Windows with the setting that it automatically turns off the LCD if not in use for fifteen minutes.

Further Readings: