How to Edit Error Pages for Your Website through cPanel

How to Edit Error Pages for Your Website through cPanel

Whenever a web page fails to load, it will display the error information along with the code associated with the error for example, 404, 500 and etc.

Your web server will supply the standard error messages that display along with the error code. However, you can create custom error pages for any types of bad HTTP request.

If you want to custom create your error page, follow the instructions below:


1. On the homepage of your cPanel, click on the Error Pages icon under Advanced.


2. Select a HTTP code error page that you want to edit.

Select a HTTP

3. Type the error message into the textbox. You can insert the referring URL, visitor’s IP address, requested URL, server name, visitor’s browser and redirect status code by using the buttons on top. These tags will replace the code with the facts on the error page to the visitor that is browsing your website.

Error Message textbox

4. When you are done, click on the Save button.

Save button

The Error Page feature will not function properly in Safari browser. If you follow the instructions above, you will be able to edit the error page.