Till the digital media came into existence in the 1990’s, it was the roll to roll tape recorders which were the typical form of recording. They are yet the rulers for few audiophiles. Though mostly turntables are preferred nowadays, many artists prefer natural analog tape’s which produces a warm sound and which produces sterile sound track. If people are looking out for roll to roll tape recordings to record their fore coming LP, then it’s better for them to take a look at the below points.
- Look out in internet. First of all for purchasing anything, we have to start on with the best sites and we can naturally go in for eBay. Just type “roll to roll recorder” in the search bar and we will get no of pages describing in detail about the particular topic we type in it. We can also browse in collectibles websites for more information. It will teach us to search all type of antiques, including recorders.
- There is couple of websites also to purchase roll to roll tape recorders that put them on the market for sale or it will indicate us the place where we can buy them. Vintage recorders and phantom’s recorder are some of the good sites which give lot of information about various brands and models. Full of information is being packed up in CD-ROM’s and vintage reel is fully packed with pictures. Some websites like sell.com and craigslist can also help us a lot. Just type “musical instruments” or type “electronics” in the search bar and gather the required information.
- Look in your district confidential ads. Local ads, daily magazines and weekly publishers might gather more information regarding roll to roll recorders.
- Make anytime and discuss about the purchase of old roll to roll recorders, but sometimes we have to go and get information ourselves. Sure with local shops. Wager shops are always better places to find what we search for. We can make call.
- We can buy these old roll to roll vintage recorders from musical stores for better rates when compared with other local stores. We can also find a roll to roll audio tape there since the store deals only with musical items basically. It is usually available with audio equipments and we are mostly allowed to test it there itself, so that we can gain better idea about the recorders before purchasing it.
- Get ensured with music studios. An alternate resource for getting these roll to roll recorders is the music studios because they might contain much different type of recorders with different models and they might also have older type recorders for very cheap rate when compared with local stores. Nowadays most of the studios has changed themselves to digital recording equipments, we can get the old reel vintage recorders from them very easily as they are not used in the studios. This requires some effort from our side to go to many studios and choose the best recorder out of many, but it will really help us a lot in getting the roll to toll vintage recorders to work out with it. Once I got it from some engineers who were really wasting time with the recorders not knowing how to work with it, when I walked into a nearby library, along with my crazy cousin. As far now, he is playing the role to roll type audio tape for any conversations which is being held for few minutes or hours. He also plays vintage machines. I told that this is not the conservative way of doing things, but it is a very good surprise. We can’t get free as we dream to be, but we can get a very good contract. Good luck!