- The first step in website creation is to decide what your website is going to be about and also if it might be all about video or any type of video.
- Next you will have to decide the type of software that you are going to use. There are lots of free sites on the web that show you how to create a personal website. These sites usually contain templates, themes and tutorials.
- How will you be hosting your website? If you are the owner of a domain, then the obvious solution is to host it yourself. You can also create your site through another website that is offering free hosting.
- Now it is time to create the website. You will need to find some sort of service that allows you to create your website (assuming you don’t already have one). Also, making sure the service of your choice has video and forum hosting is vital.
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- If your service requires membership, then sign up. Don’t forget to carefully read all terms and conditions.
- Follow the instructions to create the layout, styles and themes.
- If you are going to be hosting video, then you will have to read the sites instructions for uploading a video. You will also have to make sure that you have the right to upload the video that is what you are posting.
- Now search the internet for free forums for your website. Some of the forums available come inside packages that you have to install onto your server, while others are hosted on the service providers own site. Your web host may have options on installing forums. If they do then just follow all of their instructions.
- If you choose to use a third party site to host your forum, you will need to sign up to get an account. Remember to read all terms and conditions to make sure that you are joining a free service.
- Now you will have to follow all the instructions to set up an administrator account, forum sections and also forum skins.
- If you choose to install the forum by yourself you will have to download the forum package. Now simply follow the installation instructions to install all of the forums files into the proper directories on your server.
- Don’t forget to read all of the “Read Me” articles or any help documents that may have been included within your forum package to help configure your forum and set up the sections.
- Don’t forget to give a link on your site to get to the forum that you have just created.