How to Convert Videos to Mp4

If we consider the electronic devices such as iPods, mobile phones, etc, are capable of playing video files. But all these types of devices don’t play the videos of any format. Each device has its own format, which it is capable of playing. Some of the formats are 3gp, mp4, avi, etc. in this mp4 is widely used video format. So it is necessary for you to know to convert the video to mp4 format, if you want to watch the video on your mobile or iPod. This article will explain you in a clear manner to convert the video to the mp4 format.

  • The first and the foremost step are to have the needed software to do the conversion. Surf the internet and download the “4U MP4video convertor”, you will get an .exe file. If you can’t get the full version of the software try to download the trail version, which will have the needed features for the specified time. Soon after download is complete, install the software in your computer. The installations take just a couple of minutes.

  • The next step is to open the 4U MP4video convertor; you can do it easily by double clicking on the icon given for the 4U MP4video convertor in your desktop. Once you double click on the specified icon, the convertor opens, now your converting job starts here.
  • In the 4U MP4video convertor, at the top left corner you could find a button named, “add files” click it. Now a window appears on the screen, using this search for the videos you need to convert. You are allowed to choose multiple files at a time for conversion. Once you have chosen means just click on the ok button. This will add the files to the software.
  • Now most of the task got over, the one and only remaining thing is to convert the added file(s). This task is done by clicking on the “convert” button. When you click the covert button, you will be prompted to choose the output format you want. In this software you have a number of formats for conversion; your necessity is to convert the video into mp4, so choose the mp4 format. It allows you to make changes on the quality of the video, always select the high quality, so that the picture and sound quality will be appreciable.
  • Choose the output directory, where the converted file is to be saved. This is an important task to do. Now click on the ok button. The conversion begins here.
  • Once the conversion is over, go to the output directory. Copy the mp4 videos to your iPod and check for the quality. Thus you can watch videos in your mobile or in your iPods.