How to Convert ITunes to Mp3

This is one of the most popular problems that the music lovers facing now for a quite some time. After buying your favorite music online from the iTunes, you can enjoy it using the computer for any long period of time. The problem starts when you try to hear it on the move using your music player (excluding the apple ipods). This is due to the format of the music files being sold out by the iTunes. The formats are Aac or m4p.

Mp3 is the standard format of the music files, which can be played on any music player or any portable player, so it’s recommendable to have your sings in the mp3 format with the virtue of which it will be possible for you to hear song whenever you want, which any player.

Just select the songs you need to convert, but before that go to preference from the edit menu and give the import setting to mp3 encoder in the encoder dialog box. After these things are finished try to convert, but you cannot as most of the files bought from the iTunes would be copy protected, hence you need to follow some other techniques.

The first technique is to burn the aac files into a audio cd, (not into a data cd). Then open the cd with iTunes from where you can directly convert the files to mp3 format, by selecting the files and right clicking and selecting create mp3 version (only if you have already specified the mp3 encoder in the import setting as said earlier). This process would be a tedious one, if there are many songs which is to be converted into the mp3 format as it would require a large number of cds. To avoid this we can use software like virtual cd etc, burning one by one and converting one after another.

Once you are done with conversion, you will be available with two copies of songs (i.e. in aac format and in mp3format) , you can delete the original version if you want.

You can also the jyhmn converter to convert the songs from aac to mp3 directly, but its illegal in some country (so just check it), and it wouldn’t support the song downloaded using the iTunes of latest versions (latest than the version 6.0). The jyhmn contradicts the laws of iTunes, so it’s better to check before using it in your country.

So here is a solution for the music lovers, now you can hear your favorite music bought from iTunes in your music players by changing the format to mp3. Follow the above said techniques, hope it’s helpful.