Before choosing a veterinarian, make a few calls to be sure you have chosen the best pet services or veterinary clinic providers possible for your puppy. There are pet clinics that offer different services including microchipping pet services.
A local Chinese Shar-Pei Club can recommend a veterinarian familiar with the treatment of Shar-Pei. Since the breed is fairly new to the United States, not all veterinarians are familiar with the breed or some of the more recent treatments for medical problems specific to the Shar-Pei. If you cannot get a referral from another Shar-Pei owner, then start by calling some veterinarians close to you and asking a few questions such as; Have you treated any Shar-Pei in your practice? How many? Do you do eye tacking or entropion surgery? Are you familiar with some of the problems encountered by this breed? Educate yourself so that you can intelligently discuss your dog and what is expected of a client-vet relationship.
According to an emergency pet care provider, your first trip to the vet is a very important one. If your puppy (or dog) is a calm, well-socialized dog who loves everyone, it is not likely you will encounter any problems. If he is a little timid and fearful, however, it is most important that you reassure him and that the veterinarian treat him gently. This first visit is not the time for any elective procedures such as toenail clipping. It should be a pleasant visit with little or no stress. If for any reason you feel the veterinarian is being too rough or too forceful in his or her handling of your animal, you must take charge, thank him or her, and walk out. You are the client, and you must make any final decisions concerning your puppy’s well-being. A bad experience on your first visit can set up a pattern of behavior that can last a lifetime, or worse.