How to Be in Harmony With Family Relations

There are various reasons why there is a drift in family relationships in the current world. These may be due to the family members who have varied job locations and are forced to stay apart with their family. The next reason is due to any of the member who is being married abroad. Also it may be due to misunderstanding amidst the family members and may cause permanent breakage in relationships. This can be avoided by keeping in touch with each other and this can be achieved by various ways.

  • We must make a list of all the contacts and their personal details such as their date of births, landline number and mobile numbers of all our relations and update it from our family and friends. We must be in touch with them and periodically contact them to enquire what is happening in their families.

  • We must remember all the important dates in their family such as their birthdays, and wedding anniversaries and wish them without fail. This creates the thought and hope that someone is there to care for us.
  • If they are nearby where we reside, we can maintain contact by inviting them to our home on normal days or for special occasions. This may develop the intimacy with the new relationships that are added to our family. We must not wait until others initiate it and keep waiting rather we must go forward and invite everyone who is near us.
  • We can stay in touch by joining in a social networking sites such as orkut, twitter, facebook and share important events occurring in the family and there are varied services which are available nowadays to keep in touch disregard of the location where we live.
  • We can also share and view photos of the family members so that the next generations can be able to know about the entire family. This network helps in connecting the entire friends and family members.
  • If there is a break or drift in relationships, it can be overcome by asking the concerned party to come and the dispute can be solve by talking openly. Because adjustment is life is important and all our relationships are needed throughout the lifetime.

Also we can maintain in touch either by calling them through phones or even a single mail is sufficient and can help in bridging the relationships avoiding an unwanted dispute that has previously occurred. Always we must believe that relationships are the ones whose is going to accompany us throughout our life.