How to Be a Role Model to Younger Relatives

Do you want to know how to be a role model to younger relatives? Do you want to be that somebody they tell almost everything to and ask questions to and go to to seek for tips or advice? It is very rewarding; you will feel that you are doing something that not many people can do. Listed here are things that you can do to be that special person:


1) Volunteer to babysit. This is a good way to start building a good relationship with them.

2) Make time to play with them. The more time you spend with them, the closer you will be to each other.

3) Give them the opportunity to select what they want to play. Let them have it as long as it is safe.

4) Do not do anything that might affect them negatively (like rolling your eyes or making fun of them). Children are very sensitive to their surroundings and the people around them, hey can sense your mood and tone.

Role Model

5) Connect with them by putting yourself at their level. Play like a kid, sit on the floor with them, and explain things to them with terms that they would understand.

6) Let them play with your old toys. You can even give your old toys to the child. Tell them stories about the particular toy.

7) When you watch kids, set discipline system that they will find to be fair and just. For example, if they behave properly then they can stay up thirty minutes later than their sleeping time.

8) Foster personal hygiene. Teach them by example. Show them how to brush your teeth and comb your hair.

9) Let them go off by themselves. Let them play with kids who are the same age as them if they want to. Just make sure to still keep an eye on them.

10) Let them navigate through your phone or play with other stuff that you own. Allow them to feel grown up once in a while.

11) Have fun with them by doing interactive activities together like games or crafts.

12) Bring them to different places. Go with them to fun places like play grounds, parks, etc.

13) Ensure that you give them good advice. Do your best to relate to their issue.


  • Show your relatives or friends that you have their kid’s best intention at heart and that you will not let their kid get involved in trouble.
  • Show respect to the family of the child that you babysit.
  • Teach the kids to clean-up by always cleaning the mess that you have made.
  • Make sure that your MP3 player has a playlist of kid- friendly music.


  • Do not let the kids send text messages on your cell phone.
  • Do not talk about things that are not appropriate for their age.
  • Do not belittle their taste in TV shows or music.
  • Do not encourage lying or cheating on their parents.
  • Be mindful that kids repeat what they hear and see.