Your body is probably your most important asset. Without a perfectly functioning body, you will have problems enjoying your life. One of the ways that you can keep your body…
Bad posture can cause pain and discomfort in the body. Poor posture can manifest itself in different ways. If you have rounded shoulders or your neck is pushed forward in…
Osteoporosis is a silent chronic disease that produces a loss of bone mass resulting in structural deterioration of the skeleton and increased susceptibility to bone breakage, this disease is mostly…
Cancer, the second leading cause of death in the U. S., is responsible for one in every four deaths. Projected estimates for 2001 indicated that 553,400 people would die from…
Research has suggested that exercise and physical activities consist of behaviors that are more complex than other health-related behaviors. Although exercise has some commonalities with other health behaviors, it is…
Various strategies are available that may motivate us to exercise. Predicting the precise motive that will stimulate a specific individual to exercise, however, remains elusive. The following are practical suggestions…
To be effective, walking, jogging, or any other form of exercise must be performed regularly. Regular participation for 2 to 3 months will yield substantial physiological and psychological benefits that…
Physical inactivity is debilitating to the human body. Humans illustrate the biological dictate, "Use it or lose it." That which we use becomes stronger, while that which we do not…