Herbal remedy
Jasmine has an affinity for women and the female reproductive system and has been used in healing women for many centuries. In Ayurvedic medicine jasmine is used for calming the nerves and soothing emotional problems, relieving period pains, PMS and tension headaches. Its astringent properties will stem bleeding and so it is used for heavy periods, and locally for vaginal discharges and infections. It helps to regulate menstruation and as an antispasmodic relaxes the uterus and soothes pain during childbirth. It is widely known as an aphrodisiac, jasmine’s antiseptic properties are useful for treating a range of infections including respiratory infections and problems in the genito-urinary system, including cystitis and salpingitis. According to Culpeper, jessamine is a warm cordial plant which could be used to facilitate childbirth and remove diseases of the uterus, and also to ‘dissolve cold swellings and hard tumours’. The astringent properties of the flowers treat inflamed eyes and skin, and as gargles and mouthwashes relieve sore throats and mouth ulcers. Jasmine has a decongestant action in the uterus and the respiratory tract, clearing catarrh and relieving sinisitus and coughs.
Aromatherapy oil
Jasmine has an uplifting, even euphoric effect on the emotions and has an affinity for women. It is often used to treat emotional problems relating to sexuality, such as impotence and frigidity. Its warming sensual fragrance is relaxing and reassuring, useful in a whole range of stress-related problems, including grief, heartbreak, anger and depression. When combined with clary sage or bergamot it helps to relieve postnatal depression. Its aphrodisiac effect can be enhanced by combining it with rose, ylang ylang or clary sage. It is antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal and can be used in treatment of herpes and thrush. It strengthens and relaxes the uterus and is excellent for use during childbirth. During the menopause, it reaffirms a woman’s confidence in her femininity and sensuality, and brings a feeling of optimism, warmth and wellbeing.
Homeopathic remedy: J. officinale
Jasminum officinale is prepared from a tincture of the berries and is prescribed for symptoms of tetanus, including convulsions, vomiting and coma.
The flower essence
Jasmine is recommended for people with problems of excess mucus clogging the nose, throat and chest and causing a feeling of cloudiness and sluggishness. Jasmine clears the passageways and the head and promotes mental clarity. It stimulates the brain, increases perception and allows the mind to grasp deep questions about the essence of all life and our purpose on this planet. It increases awareness of innate femininity and the wisdom that brings.