Every season has its representative colors-but to me, fall is the most colorful and most beautiful season. In this article, you will learn how to turn green summer leaves into reddish or yellowish autumn colors.
- Select [File]-[Open] from the menu bar. The Open dialog box appears.
- Open the image
- Select [Enhance]-[Adjust Color]-[Hue/Saturation] from the menu bar. The Hue/Saturation dialog box appears.
- Change the Hue setting to -30.
- Click OK. The overall image now has a brownish tone.
- Select the Lasso Tool from the toolbox.
- In the options bar, set Feather to 20 pixels.
- Click and drag over a bunch of leaves of the image to select them.
- To soften the edges of the selection border, always set a feather value greater than 0 before changing the color. The greater the feather value, the fuzzier the edges. A feather value of 0 will give the selection border an abrupt edge.
- Click the Add to Selection icon in the options bar.
- Click and drag the tool over the leaves of the image to add them to the selection.
- Press [Ctrl] + [U] or select [Enhance]-[Adjust Color]-[Hue/Saturation] from the menu bar. The Hue/Saturation dialog box appears.
- Set Hue to -55 and Saturation to +25
- Click OK. This changes the colors of the leaves to a warm autumn red.
- In the options bar of the Lasso Tool, click on the New Selection icon.
- Select the leaves of the image.
- Click on the Add to Selection icon in the options bar.
- Click and drag the tool over the other two areas.
- Press [Ctrl]+[u] or select [Enhance]-[Adjust Color]-[Hue/Saturation] from the menu bar. The Hue/Saturation dialog box appears.
- Set Saturation to +65.
- Click OK. This turns the selected areas yellow.
- In the options bar of the Lasso Tool, select New Selection
- Select the leaves.
- Open the Hue/Saturation dialog box. Set Hue to -70.
- Click OK. Press [Ctrl] + [D] to deselect. This turns the selected leaves slightly purplish.