‘Why does my dog misbehave?’ is the most common question dog trainers are asked. Most dogs ‘misbehave’ because they have been forced into misbehaving because humans have failed to train and stimulate them sufficiently. Before embarking on a retraining programme, first get your dog checked out by a vet to establish that there is no physical reason for his misbehaviour.
There is often no quick-fix solution where some behavioural difficulties are concerned, such as aggression and chasing other animals, so you have to be prepared for a prolonged and sustained programme of retraining, as well as enlisting the professional help of a dog trainer.
A common behavioural problem is when you need to go from one room to another, but your dog also gets up and stands or lies in the doorway, blocking your way. Rather than elevating his status by trying to move him or by stepping over him, it is best to pre-empt the behaviour. As you get up from your seat, give your dog a ‘stay’ command, which tells him what you want him to do. Provided you have taught your dog this command correctly, he will obey.
Climbing on furniture
If you don’t want your dog to sit on furniture, set a precedent and don’t let him do it in the first place (from puppyhood), otherwise he will think it is his right.
Dogs who chew things they shouldn’t can soon wreck a house and its contents, so it’s essential to put a stop to this destructive behaviour swiftly.
Have a number of rattle pots (lidded containers half-filled with pebbles or large dry beans) accessible around the house to use when you see your dog chewing inappropriately.
If your dog enjoys chewing particular items, such as shoes, table legs or soft furnishings, buy a non-toxic anti-chew spray (available from pet stores) and treat those items with it. Then encourage your dog to have a nibble. He will find this most unrewarding because of the very unpleasant taste and won’t be likely to try it again.
How to stop chewing
- Throw a rattle pot so it lands near your pet (obviously don’t aim to hit him with it) to interrupt the chewing. As it lands, the dog will stop chewing or jump away in surprise. If you don’t feel confident about your aim, or have a very nervous dog, simply shake the pot hard instead to make a loud noise.
- Quickly replace the item that your dog is chewing with a toy or a chew treat that he can nibble on instead. Encourage him to take it and chew it.
- Give the dog an activity toy filled with something tasty to keep him occupied, especially if you are busy, so he doesn’t get bored and go looking for something inappropriate to chew for entertainment.