How To Prepare a Successful Speech

A successful and good speech makes you as an expert in your field and let’s you share important and interesting information. So just don’t hesitate to spend time on preparation and executive speaking training, because as you walk to the stage, you will be grateful for every bit of effort you have taken in preparation. And you can follow these steps for a successful speech:

  • The first step in preparation is about analyzing your occasion and the audience. Your speech should contain information that will be beneficial and interesting to your targeted audience. And select a theme which will be the key for your speech. You can have it separately in a piece of paper to refer it when you are writing about your speech. And you can now develop your key theme to three to five major sub points.

  • And a listener will be in attention when you use quotations by famous personality and try to use with variety and with dramatic statistics with depth. Give speech with frequent pause-and- breathe and keep your sentences short, as much as possible to get more clarity and for clarifying your message to the audience.
  • You can use text-marker in speech paper which helps you to find your place again without any delay after you look up at the audience. You can also circle the key words, use different color ink works in paper, as well to differentiate easily.
  • Always remember to make a summary of your key points near the end. But keep them brief. The speech should be brisk, at the end of it.
  • Always end the speech with a call to action. And always keep in mind that after 15 to 20 minutes, even the most attentive listeners may start to drift off and can’t hear you anymore with fullest of attention. So be brief, articulate. And if your speech is too short, you can end with a question and answer session which will be of very interesting and give opportunity for much audience to participate. You can time the speech by taking a practice of reading it aloud and you can edit it, if it runs over the allotted time.
  • You can include examples which will be relevant to your key theme. And do your comparisons wherever necessary. And it can be used to support your theme.
  • And finally after finishing your speech, don’t just forget to give handouts by summarizing key points to your audience and also include your details with contact information. And you can also site the references you had for your speech.