Wining the baseball game doesn’t depend only over the homerun traditionally. The runner can get the last winning run by the bunt and run. This is needed for the team with the winning spirit even the team without having the hope of winning can score high and can lead the game with the wining towards them. In case of times when the opposite team doesn’t expects one can go for it in this baseball. For this just mere teaching how to bunt alone is not sufficient and difficult. Rather than there are some of strategies and aspects that one should know well to make it happen. Here are those aspects as follows.
- Before starting with the explanation at first to the player’s better start by telling them what are all the criteria for which we go on for this bunt and run and by doing so what all changes it will make in the team taking the team towards the side of winning. Then can start with the details for it and what does it really mean? Teach them that it is the way of getting a base runner and placing him in the exact position in order to catch the off guard of opposing team.
- Also tell them what the opposing team does in such situations since both team fights for victory. There is also an easiest way to make the players understand about it better. That is, just play some of the recorded videos of the play and ask them to see what they do in the case of the bunt and run situation as it comes. The important thing that they must notice is the reaction of the third baseman, catcher, pitcher, infielder under such situations. And moreover they too are going to face such situations. So showing them the video may help to know and understand better about it.
- First keep practicing the bunt at the bat. And later on when gets use just place the runners in position opposing the team practice the same. Running should be taken with delay in such a way that the contact is made by the bunt. Also they should know well to place the ball according to the runner position by all means. During the game make use of the players who are strong enough to tackle and play the bunt at the correct time. Keep a note of it always.
- Having I run at base and team is bat with 2 outs less only then the bunt is to be performed. The runner and the bunter should have proper eye contact so that they may communicate easily making it successfully.
It can’t be perfect without regular practice. So practice well and play to win.