Any time we begin a relationship of any kind, we actually look like we are writing a book and just like one, there usually is a beginning, middle and end to it. Usually the beginnings are big and unfortunately when the time comes, most relationships come to an end. Nobody wants relationships to end this way and when this anti climax happens, the logical thing to do is to go back to the drawing board and begin with the first page of your relationship.
The important point to note is usually that when the relationship has come to an end, you must appreciate the fact that it actually has come to an end and there is very little you can do to take things back. There must be things that have changed in the person you are and your buddy did not befriend that person that they are dealing with now. And so you need to do some introspection first before you try anything else.
There are possibilities that you could have become selfish and became too pushy for the comfort of your friend. There are also times when in your quest to please your buddy you take them for granted and they fail to see the value of the relationship. The bottom line is that you must really face up to the things that were the causes of the relationship tumbling down and if they are not fixed, then you may never make up with your friend.
When you realize exactly what your contribution could have been to the whole problem, then you will be in a better position to face up the other party and begin the process of repairing your relationship. Get out of your way to fix whatever challenge that may have been and when your partner is convinced you have become a new person again; then you will have planted the seed of a new relationship. Thus, you are likely to get back where you were originally, but the bottom line is that you will be taking responsibility for the problems that have taken place..