How to Make an Ear Model

You can help your students or children learn about the functions of the ear by constructing a model of it. You can have the children help you build your model ear or it can be prepared ahead of time. You will have to know how to accurately measure itens and cutting some skills. When the model is done,  it will make it easier to show how the ear works and the parts that help you hear.

Things You’ll Need:

  • Pen
  • Large rubber band
  • Scissors
  • Plastic wrap
  • Glue
  • Double-stick tape
  • Ping-pong ball
  • Cardboard box
  • Bendable straw
  • Clear glass bowl or plastic tub
  • Water
  • Spring form cheesecake pan with detachable sides
  • Stack of books (optional)

Step 1

We are going to build the structure for the stand an outer. Using the cardboard box, cut out two sides in a medium rectangle shape. Make sure both rectangles are the same size. Then, cut your rectangles in half.

Step 2

You want to make a stencil marking on your cardboard box with your cheesecake pan. Place the cheesecake half way onto the cardboard and trace a semi circle on the cardboard. Repeat this step with another piece of cardboard. Cut the shapes out of the cardboard.

Step 3

Take your cardboard and make a stand. Do this by making slits in the same position on two semi-circles. The two pieces of semi-circle made of cardboard will be attached  together by the slits. The four pieces of cardboard should hold the spring form pain in place.

Ear drum and canal

Step 1

Place plastic wrap on the side of the spring form pan. Make sure the plastic wrap is held in place   by putting a rubber band. The plastic should be tight like a drun skin.

Step 2

Cut a 3 inch equilateral triangle out of the cardboard. Fold the triangle in half. Fold  a separate flap on the triangle at the bottom.

Step 3

You want to attach your bendable straw to the cardboard triangle inside the fold. This is your ear canal. Glue your triangle closed. Glue the triangle to the plastic wrap. Center it. This is the ear drum. The straw opening should touch the plastic wrap drum. Make sure it dries completely.

Step 4

Connect the straw to the ping pong ball. Use double edged tape to secure these items.

Step 5

Place some water in a bowl. Put a the ping pong ball into the water. You may have to plave the bowl onto something to even the level of it with the drum. Make sounds with your new drum but do not touch it. The water will ripple from the sound.