How to Interact with Your Dog

Different dogs require different degrees of social contact with their owners and others of their own kind. Some will be more independent and aloof than their owners wish, while others need plenty of attention in order to thrive. Dogs that actively seek out human company show signs of distress if they cannot get enough.

Dogs that have a low need for social contact may learn to tolerate their owners’ attention, but never seem to really enjoy it, so this desire must be recognized and accepted. For a person who requires an openly affectionate canine companion, this can be disappointing, so it pays to research which breeds would be best suited. There is also a doggy daycare that can socialize and play with your dog while you are away.

Interacting with Dog

Being social creatures, most dogs appreciate the company of their own kind on   a   regular basis to enact natural interaction. However many of the ‘fighting’ breeds simply do not get on amicably with strange dogs (males and females alike), or indeed even with people, so beware of this when taking them out for walks; for safety’s sake; such dogs should be muzzled when in public places, and in some countries this is, in fact, a legal requirement.

If you have a dog that simply does not get on with other dogs – and some don’t -then again extreme caution should be taken when they are exercised in public places.

Rough play with your dog

Be aware that rough play can lead to your dog becoming confused as to what behaviour is acceptable and what is not. For example, if you decide to get down on the floor and play-wrestle with the dog, then it is likely that he will try to dominate the situation. This often gets out of hand; his natural instincts come to the fore and this can result in injury to a member of the family, often with disastrous consequences for all concerned.

If this happens, it is usually the dog that gets the blame, yet it is not his fault, but rather that of human failure to understand the behavioural boundaries between the two species. This is why it is so important to teach children, being more impulsive and less aware of what could happen, how to behave around pets of any kind. On this theme, do advise visitors of how to behave around your dog if you feel that their behaviour is not appropriate in the circumstances – for both their own and your pet’s sake. If you are worried, put your dog in the garden.