Laser Acupuncture
Acupuncture is based on an old Chinese philosophy that a body incorporates two opposing forces, the yin and yang. Health was considered possible only if these forces were in balance. The flow of energy along specific lines (meridians) in our bodies may be interrupted by certain disorders that create blockages. The use of acupuncture can stimulate and free blockages along meridians. This rebalances the yin and yang. Originally, acupuncture was performed by the use of needles that were inserted along the meridians and remained in position for about 20 minutes. Today, this procedure is largely replaced by an infrared laser technique, which makes this a completely painless treatment. In addition, the use of lasers requires less time than the needles.
Acupressure is similar to the acupuncture method in that finger pressure is exerted on certain points of the body, thus stimulating a specific site. These sites are-in the identical locations as those of acupuncture. Finger pressure elicits a similar, but less pronounced, reaction to that of needles or lasers.
This is a very useful technique that can be used at home to complement acupuncture treatment. The practitioner will instruct the dog owner in the use of this procedure.
Color Therapy
A variety of organic disorders can be affected positively by the exposure to colored lights. As a rule, this method utilizes forty-watt colored light bulbs that are placed at a certain distance from the animal. This technique does not depend on heat, but on the actual color light waves emitted, which have the ability to stimulate the body’s own healing powers.
Color therapy can be used at home as a complementary healing aid to other treatments. Your holistic specialist will instruct you in the, specific choice of color spectrum you need to apply. Generally, greens and blues are used to treat hyperactive functions of the body, while organ functions that are too low are treated with yellow or red color ranges. For disorders of the nervous system, purple lights are used. There are also conditions where several colors are used on variable schedules. It has been observed that animals spontaneously seek exposure to colors that feel good to them, and they will avoid colors that feel unpleasant.
Directions: The distance of the light source from the dog should be close enough to expose the entire body of the dog to the colored light, but far enough away from the animal to avoid the heat emitted by the bulb. To test the right distance, place your hand for a short while on your dog’s body, allowing the light to expose your hand in the same way it would affect your dog. If the light feels warm, move the light source away until the setup feels pleasant. Use this therapy once or twice daily for approximately five or ten minutes.