Swimming is the necessary and a self-safety activity an individual must know to protect him from the emergency situations. Learning this art with rolling is another feature adding safety towards it. This means rolling oneself towards his back so that he makes himself to breathe and float without swimming. This makes the learner to get himself calm and relaxed catching his breath. The following step teaches how to catch and hold breathes while rolling and swimming.
- Catch the child at his or her armpits while getting under the water. Make the child is swimming for 7 seconds facing downwards. Make the child to realize that you are ready to help and protect him at the case of any emergency or need. By doing so will allow to go with full effort and comfort. Always make you assisted at the side till the exercise gets completed. Remember to make a stay near the shoulders so that you can hold at any cause during the exercise.
- 2 Make the child to be in position facing towards you by holding the armpits still under the water. You should first make the child clear that nothing there to worry and you are there nearby to look after. This will make the child to set free. Now make the child to face her facing the water by pulling her forward. In a straight pattern let her start to swim facing downward. Keep practicing this at the pools end being shallow so that it makes your child to view your legs easily below the water. This makes her to realize that you are still there with her.
- Now submerge the Childs heads under the water with the help of your left hand placed over her head for 7 seconds palming down. Make her to flip over as if it resembles like lying in the water with her back with your right hand picking the child’s left shoulder. Make this sure until you see her floating in the water on her own.
- Also teach her how to keep the chin placed above the water level with leaning the head little backwards. This ensures her to breathe easily and prevents the water in getting inside her nose, parts of ear, and mouth so that she can easily breathe without any difficulty. See to that she is inhaling in through nose and exhale by her mouth.
- Always keep practicing it with respect to time till the child feels that she is tired and enough for the day.
- Make her to rest a while and go back with her and keep practicing along with her.
- Teach her how to tackle and turn by herself when needed.
Keep in practice so that can get good results.